Fasting OT

Scripture Reading - Isaiah 58:3-8 Contemporary English Version

3 You wonder why the LORD pays no attention when you go without eating and act humble. But on those same days that you give up eating, you think only of yourselves and abuse your workers.
4 You even get angry and ready to fight. No wonder God won't listen to your prayers!
5 Do you think the LORD wants you to give up eating and to act as humble as a bent-over bush? Or to dress in sackcloth and sit in ashes? Is this really what he wants on a day of worship?
6 I'll tell you what it really means to worship the LORD. Remove the chains of prisoners who are chained unjustly. Free those who are abused!
7 Share your food with everyone who is hungry; share your home with the poor and homeless. Give clothes to those in need; don't turn away your relatives.
8 Then your light will shine like the dawning sun, and you will quickly be healed. Your honesty will protect you as you advance, and the glory of the LORD will defend you from behind.

Today’s lesson on “fasting” will attempt to project a certain (specific) thought. To not keep you in any suspense that thought is “selfishness”. As we read in today’s verse 3 a portion of that scripture clearly states “you think only of yourselves” which is a problem when approaching our all Loving Heavenly Father who considers all others. We have heard much mentioned about “fasting” in the Body of Christ but seldom do we hear the message of “fasting” include some things mentioned in these few verses. We notice that God’s idea of a “Godly Fast” does not include any unnecessary actions (demonstrations) to show God or other men that you are doing some great thing. No, the Lord condemned such behavior but The Lord definitely wanted all His Children to know that “Fasting” is not about just you. As Believers in Christ we are to focus on love, not just any type of love, like common people loving those that take care of them or embracing those who are close to them but rather the “Agape” God kind of Love that is unconditional and supernatural. We are to have purpose in our “fasting” such that it is not just a task to overcome some problem in our life for a few days but “fasting” is much deeper than that. Yes, “godly fasting” should never be considered a day to overcome food and/or any other problem that is keeping you from God. No, our faith friend, “fasting” is not just about getting closer to God either because you can do that anytime and anywhere with your Holy Bible and praise, worship and thanks-giving on your lips. For example we (ihlcc) were taught that “fasting” is time dependent it is not about stopping something but rather spending extra time with God. In some cases you would dedicate the time it takes to prepare a meal and eat it all to God. Thus, this decrease time with carnal things would be converted to more spiritual things to enhance your fellowship with God. This teaching is true but it is not all inclusive because now that we have become more acquainted with God we now (currently, today) understand that true “Godly Fasting” generally will include a bigger picture than just you. So if you are seeking to “fast” your motive must be pure. You must (you should) ask yourself the question, “Why am I fasting?” This motive must be rooted and grounded in God’s Love for Him, your fellow man and yourself. Yes, you must understand that “fasting” is not to be done based on someone else’s heart conviction but rather your own compassion for someone else in your life. Many people believe that “fasting” should be done corporately like supporting the vision of a church, others believe that “fasting” can be done for a nation to change the direction of the current problems. However, rarely do we see “fasting” executed in the fashion that God states in today’s scripture. It is presumptuous to think that the behavior of a whole nation will change in your favor without you showing others some favor in their eyes. We will explain it this way in more detail. God said a “true fast” that He has chosen will feed the hungry, share housing for a short season, give clothes to some in need and reach out to your relatives that need you. This means God is very practical you work first by showing His Love to the under privileged to give Him (The Lord) place to reveal His Plan for their life because they have just experienced (partook of) His Love in action. This sounds similar to James 2:18 CEV which states: “Suppose someone disagrees and says, "It is possible to have faith without doing kind deeds." I would answer, "Prove that you have faith without doing kind deeds, and I will prove that I have faith by doing them." The key is not found in the words spoken over others but rather the hands and feet that blesses those others. Truth! The Lord believes more in meeting the physical needs of other people than just praying for their needs to be met spiritually. Yes, this means consider others first when it comes to “fasting” and if you don’t have any others in your purpose for “fasting” you probably don’t need to go on a “godly fast”. Please remember “fasting” in general is very broad such that you can “fast” for anything you want (or like) but be sure you are not considering that a “godly fast”. As a matter of fact many people call something a “fast” that is nothing more than an absence of a certain thing for a short period of time. That should not be confused with a “fast that God has chosen” (verse 6 KJV) because any personal discretion (temperance) should be considered just denying the flesh certain gratifications (cravings). If we are to “fast” for righteousness sake we must consider doing our “fast” according to God’s Way. Yes, this means having His Heart not our own. We do realize that some will mention that this is based on an Old Testament scripture and on that note we do agree so our next lesson will focus on a portion New Testament scripture to see what the Lord Jesus mentioned about “fasting” for a more deeper understanding of “fasting” on a personal level. However, The Lord didn’t change His Heart concerning corporate and/or community “fasting” He only added more insight in personal fasting. Hopefully, this teaching helped some people to understand that “godly fasting” for others is better because “fasting” without the purpose of blessing someone else is at best a good work that bears no lasting fruit. Remember, we all are to bear fruit, yes we are to consistently bear His Godly Fruit of Love that remains in Jesus Name. Amen!